A homeowner sent a message to the Sentry Management Crofton office after the office assisted with getting a leaning tree removed.
The message read, ” Thanks to everyone for their efforts today related to the uprooted, leaning pine tree in the common area woods. I was thoroughly impressed that within one hour of my initial phone call to Sentry Management… someone rang my doorbell eager to assist.”
The message went onto say, “Mr. Fletcher recognized the potential dangers of the leaning tree to the common area as well as my home and swiftly initiated the action. Less than one hour later, Mr. Fletcher unexpectedly returned with a professional tree removal specialist and they safely and efficiently cut down this hazardous tree, which prevented major damage other than some tree debris on my lawn. Not to worry, Mr. Fletcher roped off the area and he plans to return tomorrow to remove the tree debris as well as survey the lawn.”
Sentry Management is a full-service community management company. Sentry’s business is the day-to-day operation of communities, homeowner associations, and condominiums. Sentry is accredited as an AMO® (Accredited Management Organization) by the Institute of Real Estate Management, providing an independent evaluation that Sentry has one of the highest operating and financial standards in the industry. View our full list of services here: http://www.sentrymgt.com/for-association-boards/services/.
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