Des Moines
Des Moines HOA Management
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Professional and Responsive HOA Management in Des Moines

Sentry Management provides full-service community management to homeowner associations, condominium associations, and common-interest communities as well as master-planned communities and new developments in the greater Des Moines area. Sentry’s Des Moines office operates in Polk, Dallas, Warren, Madison, and Guthrie Counties. Communities managed are in Des Moines, West Des Moines, Altoona, Ankeny, Clive, Grimes, Indianola, Norwalk, Urbandale, and Waukee. Liz Kennedy is the Division President of the Des Moines office.

The Best People and Technology Benefits Your HOA or Condominium Association

Highly skilled and experienced Community Managers are the hallmark of the Sentry homeowner associations management approach. Each Community Manager leads an association-focused community team that includes dedicated internal staff. Every accounting associate, bookkeeper, administrator, assessments, and closings person establishes an ongoing relationship with associations and managers. To build engagement in your community, Sentry’s online administrative system, CommunityPro®, not only makes online payment of assessments easy but supports monthly financial reports, helps with compliance and delinquency issues and makes all administrative data available to Board members 24/7.  The value of Sentry’s comprehensive support to your homeowner association is responsiveness and personal attention.

Homeowner’s and Condo Association Boards Appreciate Sentry’s Response Times

When Board members are asked, there is always a direct correlation between the timeliness/quality of the communication from the Community Manager and the overall satisfaction with the community association management company. We keenly understand that relationship—and work to have every telephone call and email returned as quickly as possible, all correspondence and reports kept current and every deadline met. Communication with residents is also important. Helping residents understand the issues facing the community builds support for Board decisions.

Looking for a quote for new HOA or COA management services? Follow the link and complete the form to receive a proposal:

Sentry Management - Des Moines
7031 Vista Drive
West Des Moines, IA 50266
4.0 /5
605 reviews
  • 7031 Vista Drive
    West Des Moines, IA 50266
  • 515-222-3699

Community Association Maintenance Tech

Maintenance Supervisor Delivers Hand Sanitizer Bottles to Communities

Tim G. a Maintenance Supervisor at the Sentry Management Des Moines, IA office has continued serving communities and processing work...

5 Tips to Being A Successful New Board Member

An association is a corporation, a non-profit business. As such, the actions and decisions of the Board should reflect the...

Local Spotlight
Sentry Management Appoints New SVP

Sentry Management Welcomes Traci Lehman as Senior Vice President for Midwest and South Regions

Orlando, FL, June 29, 2021 – Sentry Management, Inc., a rapidly growing leader in HOA and condominium management, is pleased...

Night to Shine Event

Des Moines Community Representative Attends night to Shine Event

Sentry Management Community Representative, Liz K. attended Tim Tebow’s Night to Shine event. This event is held globally for people...

Des Moines Staff Volunteering

Des Moines Staff Help Package Meal Kits to Fight Hunger

Several staff members from the Sentry Des Moines office volunteered at a local charity called Meals from the Heartland as...


Community Associations

COVID-19 Office Precautions

We remain committed to serving you during this challenging time.

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Online Board Meetings

To provide safeguards for communities, we suggest conducting meetings online.

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Disaster Preparedness Checklist

No matter where you live, there is a possibility that disaster may affect your community. Be prepared with this list.

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CommunityPro Portal

CommunityPro® is an easy way to make payments, access association documents, view account history, stay informed and more.