Sentry News

Spring Preventative Maintenance for Associations

Spring is in the air! That means it is time for homeowner and condo associations to begin their spring preparations. Below is a checklist of preventative maintenance that will help the association protect itself from unscheduled special assessments, lower the risk for insurance claims, and enhance the overall value of its units. The purpose of preventative maintenance is to spend some money now and save a lot later.

Spring Maintenance Checklist for Associations

1. Tree inspections. The best person to contact to check for disease, split or broken branches, or overgrowth is a licensed arborist. Appropriate tree trimming is necessary for both the health of the tree, safety, and the aesthetic detail of the property.
2. Pool and spa inspection. Spring is the perfect time to have a pool maintenance contractor check to make sure pool pumps and filters have been serviced and are operating in optimum condition. Also check the pool ladders and ensure signage is up before opening the pool to the community.
3. Irrigation system. The system should be checked for broken pipes, missing or broken heads, or clogged valves. Run a test of the system and look for water-ponding or accumulation on walkways or around building foundations. Proper drainage will alleviate damage to foundations and any safety issues for residents on walkways.
4. Fencing. General maintenance for fences should be expected, no matter what type of fence it is. Rain, snow, ice and other elements can change ground contours and cause posts to become exposed, rendering the fence unstable. Replacing worn out or rotted sections increases the useful life of the fence, and delays having to replace the whole fence.
5. Seal surfaces. Any surfaces exposed to the elements during the year should be properly sealed to prevent any degradation of the materials. Sealing surfaces is recommended at least every 3-5 years.

Specifically for Condo Associations

6. HVAC system. Schedule an HVAC inspection and duct cleaning to help avoid emergency repairs in the future.
7. Spring cleaning. Common areas like the gym, or clubhouse should be thoroughly cleaned and dusted.

The Maintenance Committee or community association manager should follow-up on the work and schedule quarterly inspections of the items in this list.

Sentry Management is a full-service community management company. Sentry’s business is the day-to-day operation of communities, homeowner associations, and condominiums. Sentry is accredited as an AMO® (Accredited Management Organization) by the Institute of Real Estate Management, providing the independent evaluation that Sentry has one of the highest operating and financial standards in the industry. View our full list of services here:



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