Water is a precious resource that needs to be conserved. The following tips will help raise awareness in your community, and get in the habit of saving water while maintaining the beautiful community landscaping.
1. Get a rain gauge to measure rainfall. One inch of rain per week is generally sufficient for lawns and gardens. Supplement with irrigation only when the rainfall is inadequate. Adding a rain sensor to your irrigation system is a great way to automatically control your irrigation.
2.Use mulch around landscape plantings. Mulch helps eliminate weeds and hold moisture in the soil.
3. Select hardy plants that don’t need much water. Native plants that are well-adapted to your climate and soils will survive well without needing extra watering.
4. Water during the cool part of the day to avoid rapid evaporation. If your community is under watering restrictions, observe carefully the guidelines.
5. Raise mowing heights on your lawnmower. This promotes healthier grass that can better survive dry periods.
6. When watering is necessary, water slowly and thoroughly. If you notice puddles or runoff, turn the water off and wait for the water to soak in. Also, make sure the sprinklers are placed carefully to avoid watering driveways or sidewalks or roads.
Water is a very precious resource, and with a little planning, your community can become water conscious.
Sentry Management is a community management leader serving homeowner associations, HOAs, and condominiums. Headquartered in Central Florida, Sentry operates in 40 markets across the country, with 14 offices throughout Florida including the Orlando area, Clermont, Daytona Beach, Fort Myers, Kissimmee, Naples, Ocala, Tampa Bay, Clearwater, Jacksonville, Sarasota, and Tavares. View a full list of the services offered here.
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