Sentry News - Offices

Sentry Volusia-New Smyrna Hosts Board Member Education Class

Sentry Management Volusia-New Smyrna Beach Division recently hosted a well-attended Board member education class titled: Condominium Water Damage Course: Leaks, Bursts & Overflows- How Associations Navigate Water Damage. The class had over 20 local HOA and condominium board members in attendance for the 2-hour class. Guest speakers included Adam Carls of AriasBosinger, Real Estate &...

Sentry Tampa Bay-Clearwater Office Shows Appreciation to Board Members

The Sentry Management Tampa Bay-Clearwater office recently hosted a Board Member Appreciation event for the local HOA and condominium Board members. The purpose of the event was to say thank you to these association board members who volunteer so much of their time to their communities. The event was held at the Tampa Bay-Clearwater office...

Sentry Indianapolis Division to Participate in Annual HOA Education Conference

The Sentry Management Indianapolis division will be a booth sponsor at the CAI Annual HOA Education Conference. The conference will feature a day of education, exhibits, and networking that will be beneficial for board members, volunteers, property managers, and homeowner association managers alike. The event will be held on Saturday, July 28th, at the Indianapolis...

Local Orlando Community Manager Awarded Title of “Most Awesome Manager” by Local Law Firm

The law office of Clayton & McCulloh seeks monthly recommendations from HOA Board Members who nominate their favorite manager for the “Most Awesome Manager” award every quarter. They look at candidates from Sentry Management as well as other association management companies. This month, Sentry Community Association Manager, Patty Rowe received the award. Patricia Rowe is...

Sentry Management Announces New Hartford CT Relationship with PPM

 Sentry Management Announces New Hartford CT Relationship with PPM  (Orlando FL—June 29, 2018) Sentry Management, Inc. has joined forces with Phoenix Property Management (PPM) to become a homeowner and condominium association management leader in the Hartford Connecticut area.  Sentry now operates offices in 15 states. “We are pleased to expand our family of offices by...

Condominium Board Secretary Has High Praise for New Sentry Office

The recently opened Sentry Management, Inc. office in Hartford, CT has received high praise from a condominium Association former Board President, and current Secretary, from the River Point on the Connecticut community. “A 17-story, 20-year structure more in keeping with commercial construction and operational requirements, we present a demanding and intricate management challenge. Working diligently...

New Sentry Hartford Office Praise from Local Condominium Board President

The recently opened Sentry Management, Inc. office in Hartford, CT has received high praise from a local condominium Association Board President from the Village at Loveland Hills community. “As President of a newly elected Board while our community was still under construction; my priority was to hire the first Property Manager. Our Association has stabilized...

Sentry Management Expands Reach in Central Florida with New Daytona-Flagler Office

Sentry Management, Inc. has officially opened a Daytona office in Florida that will service the Daytona- Flagler area, in order to provide the best possible service to the increasing number of Homeowners Associations managed by Sentry in the area. The new office is located at 120 E Granada Boulevard Ormond Beach, FL 32176. Sentry has...

Sentry Management Recognized as “Best Property Management Firm”

The Orlando Business Journal announced the winners of their Readers’ Choice Awards. In the category of “Best Property Management Firm”, Sentry Management decisively won the category over all other HOA and condominium management firms. The special tribute makes us “Best of the Best” in Central Florida. We are honored to receive this accolade and believe...

Five Safeguards to Prevent Fraud and Keep Association Funds Secure

Your community is essentially a business, which is why financial stability and professional funds management is so important. Sentry prides ourselves on having five processes in place to guard against financial improprieties. They are: Sentry Management is an Accredited Management Organization® granted by IREM. Very few community management firms have this designation. It requires Sentry...

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Community Associations

COVID-19 Office Precautions

We remain committed to serving you during this challenging time.

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Online Board Meetings

To provide safeguards for communities, we suggest conducting meetings online.

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Disaster Preparedness Checklist

No matter where you live, there is a possibility that disaster may affect your community. Be prepared with this list.

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CommunityPro Portal

CommunityPro® is an easy way to make payments, access association documents, view account history, stay informed and more.