Sentry News - Orlando

Utilizing Committees for Your Association

The first step to utilize a committee for your association is to create a charter. Each Committee should have written charter specifying the purpose, number of members, the identified chairperson, a description of the issue the Committee is addressing, the budget, the period for fact-finding and recommendations, and the authority given to the Committee, if...

The Value of Conducting a Board Strategy Session

A strategy session is a great way to come together as a Board and have a dialogue over what each member deems critical to the success of the association, including values, issues and goals.  Once your ideas are set in place from a few great brainstorming sessions, your team can move on to creating a...

Working Together During a Disaster

How a board and its manager can effectively work through most anything. Storms, natural disasters, pandemics, there is no end to the number of issues that can arise and throw an association board into a bit of a panic. Planning for every contingency is an admirable undertaking, but hardly realistic. So, where does a board begin...

Traditions at Wekiva HOA Board President Spotlight

The Traditions at Wekiva HOA Board member, Erika W. has been nominated by her Community Manager for this quarter’s Board Member spotlight. Erika has served in varying positions on the board for 15 years and is currently serving as the Board President. The Traditions at Wekiva Community Manager, Jo Ann Donaldson said, “Erika is such...

Sentry Management Division Manager Holds Another Successful Blood Drive

Assistant Division Manager, Deanna Sims has organized another successful blood drive, this time at the Heathrow Masters Association in Heathrow, FL. The blood drive had so many community members sign up to donate blood, that One Blood had to turn away donations when they ran out of time. Another blood drive has been set up...

Sentry Uses Microsoft Teams and CommunityPro® to Work Remotely

Working from home has never been easier for Sentry Management staff members since Microsoft Teams has been implemented company-wide to help employees quickly and efficiently communicate via instant chat, and virtual collaborations. Sentry’s proprietary software, CommunityPro® has also made the transition to social distancing easier with features available to Board members like online work order...

Longwood Office Donates Over 500 Pounds of Animal Food to Local Shelter

Community Association Managers from the Longwood, FL office held a donation drive and collected 550 pounds of dog and cat food to donate to a local animal shelter. The proceeds were donated to Pet Rescue by Judy and the Seminole County Animal Shelter. In addition to the dry food that was donated, the drive also...

COVID-19 Florida Update

To stay up to date on the latest about the Cornovirus in Florida, visit At Sentry, our highest priority is the safety of our employees and our communities.  We also have the goal of ensuring the work of the community continues during these difficult days so that your neighborhood continues to be a great...

Baldwin Park Community Managers Send Cards to Residents

Community Association Managers and staff from the Baldwin Park office took time to make encouraging cards for residents at the Westminster community that currently can’t have visitors. The staff called residents beforehand and asked if it was ok to send the cards and practiced social distancing themselves as they made the cards. Westminster is an...

Bradley Pomp Named CEO of the Year Winner by the Orlando Business Journal

Bradley Pomp was named a winner in the Orlando Business Journal’s 2020 CEOs of the Year awards for the work he has done in the last three years as President of Sentry Management. As President, he has expanded the company, overseeing acquisitions in three states in two years. Sentry Management, Inc. is one of the...

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Community Associations

COVID-19 Office Precautions

We remain committed to serving you during this challenging time.

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Online Board Meetings

To provide safeguards for communities, we suggest conducting meetings online.

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Disaster Preparedness Checklist

No matter where you live, there is a possibility that disaster may affect your community. Be prepared with this list.

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CommunityPro Portal

CommunityPro® is an easy way to make payments, access association documents, view account history, stay informed and more.