The Coosaw Point Property Owner’s Association located in Beaufort, SC held a food drive this week and donated all of the items to the local Salvation Army. Over 500 pieces of food were donated by the community, which will go to families in the Bluffton area that are in need of help during this COVID-19...
To stay up to date on the latest about the Cornovirus in South Carolina, visit At Sentry, our highest priority is the safety of our employees and our communities. We also have the goal of ensuring the work of the community continues during these difficult days so that your neighborhood continues to be a...
Did you know that just one dog can produce over 250 lbs of waste in a year? With that in mind, here are 7 reasons to pick up after your dog: 7. Stormwater carries pet waste and other pollutants directly into waterways. Animal waste adds nitrogen to the water. Excess nitrogen depletes the oxygen in...
Sentry Management, Inc. would like to remind all homeowners and residents that the time between Thanksgiving and New Years is when the majority of parcel thefts happen. Below are 6 tips to avoid being a victim of a theft. Sentry Management is a full-service community management company. Sentry’s business is the day-to-day operation of communities,...
Sentry purchased Coastal Community Association Management (CCAM) in June and establishes new Bluffton office. “Sentry Management has long had offices in Savannah and Charleston and already manage many properties in the Bluffton, Beaufort and Hilton Head area” notes Brad Pomp, President of Sentry in announcing the purchase. “The acquisition of Costal Community Association Management is...
Your community is essentially a business, which is why financial stability and professional funds management is so important. Sentry prides ourselves on having five processes in place to guard against financial improprieties. They are: Sentry Management is an Accredited Management Organization® granted by IREM. Very few community management firms have this designation. It requires Sentry...
We remain committed to serving you during this challenging time.
Read More »To provide safeguards for communities, we suggest conducting meetings online.
Read More »No matter where you live, there is a possibility that disaster may affect your community. Be prepared with this list.
Read More »CommunityPro® is an easy way to make payments, access association documents, view account history, stay informed and more.