To stay up to date on the latest about the Cornovirus in Maryland, visit At Sentry, our highest priority is the safety of our employees and our communities. We also have the goal of ensuring the work of the community continues during these difficult days so that your neighborhood continues to be a great...
The Sentry staff in Cambridge, MD has implemented a “You Buy, We Fly” program for elderly residents in Sentry-managed communities in the area. Community Managers and other staff are picking up essential items for at-risk residents and dropping them off at the resident’s doorstep. Many of these residents do not have relatives living close by...
Cambridge business, Sharon Real Estate recently posted a shout out to the Sentry Management Cambridge office. The message read: ” IT’S THANKFUL THURSDAY AT SHARON REAL ESTATE This week we would like to Show Our Appreciation for & Thank SENTRY MANAGEMENT. The staff at Sentry Management (Steven Levin, Todd Wawrzeniak, Rodney Renner, Cindy Parks, Andy...
Maryland Community Association Manager, LaShauna Tillmon was recently awarded the Sentry Foundation Service Award as a part of the annual Sentry Management Leadership Conference. “It was a great honor to receive the Sentry Management Foundation Service Award. By embracing our Foundation Principles, and receiving direct support and training from our senior management staff; I have...
Your community is essentially a business, which is why financial stability and professional funds management is so important. Sentry prides ourselves on having five processes in place to guard against financial improprieties. They are: Sentry Management is an Accredited Management Organization® granted by IREM. Very few community management firms have this designation. It requires Sentry...
We remain committed to serving you during this challenging time.
Read More »To provide safeguards for communities, we suggest conducting meetings online.
Read More »No matter where you live, there is a possibility that disaster may affect your community. Be prepared with this list.
Read More »CommunityPro® is an easy way to make payments, access association documents, view account history, stay informed and more.