Sentry News - Board Information

Understanding Association Terminology

As a homeowner, do you understand the true meaning of the terms used within your Association? Understanding the vocabulary used by your community association manager and board members is the first step to clarity. The Difference Between Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, and Bylaws Your community’s documents are essentially three parts: The Declaration or Master Deed...

6 Tips for Finding Board Members

Did you know 53% of homeowners living in the United States reside in a Community Association? Yet many association Boards have one or more vacant seats, leaving the remaining directors searching for homeowners to appoint to the open positions. Finding the right person to fill a board vacancy can be challenging, especially as media and...

COVID-19 Board Webinars

Besides videos and educational print materials about the evolving issues Associations are facing in response to COVID-19, Sentry is also hosting a series of webinars. Our webinars, conducted with partners who are industry experts, allow information to be provided quickly—and to allow Board members to ask questions about their unique situations. Topic: Challenges facing Boards...

Guidelines and Suggestions for Re-Opening Associations

Several federal, state, and local authorities are now encouraging the phased reopening of public facilities.  As a result, community associations are considering reopening previously closed or restricted amenities.  The following guidelines and suggestions should be considered as this process begins. Note: it is recommended the Board review any contemplated relaxation of restrictions with legal counsel...

Frequently Asked Questions for Board Members

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a challenging time for our country and the communities we all call home. Over the last two months, our normal has completely changed. The Boards and the communities they oversee is no exception. Our team at Sentry Management is working to provide information and support along the way...

Community Associations May Face Financial Challenges During COVID-19

The current COVID-19 pandemic might financially impact your Association. Sentry Management has been serving Associations since 1975 and has observed financial trends that affect Associations during times of economic downturn. Four community trends that were common during the economic downturn in 2008 included: Residents were home more and tuned into their community Due to loss...

Community Strong— Neighbors Pulling Through to Provide Help and Show Kindness.

We are living in unusual times. Schools are out, most stores closed, and many are working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic. But in association after association, we are seeing that imposed separation is bringing people closer together. Random acts of neighborly kindness are plentiful in both communities managed by Sentry and across the...

9 Key Points for Boards to Consider Regarding COVID-19

We are in a time of unique challenges and opportunities for associations.  The impact of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) changes every day, and the duration is unknown. As a nationwide leader in the Community Association Management industry, we are very aware of your concerns. As a result, Sentry Management has put together a short video...

Online Board Meetings

To provide safeguards against the transmission of the coronavirus for board members and residents, Sentry Management suggests conducting association meetings online, in place of in-person meetings. Sentry Management offers online meeting solutions coordinated by Community Managers to hold board meetings virtually. This provides a way for people to hold a professional and productive meeting, all...

Sentry’s COVID-19 Response

Sentry Management is honored to manage your association, and we will continue to support the operations of your community through this challenging time.  As COVID-19 continues to spread, our thoughts go out to anyone who has been infected or impacted. I hope that you, your family, friends, and neighbors are safe and well and are...

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Community Associations

COVID-19 Office Precautions

We remain committed to serving you during this challenging time.

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Online Board Meetings

To provide safeguards for communities, we suggest conducting meetings online.

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Disaster Preparedness Checklist

No matter where you live, there is a possibility that disaster may affect your community. Be prepared with this list.

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CommunityPro Portal

CommunityPro® is an easy way to make payments, access association documents, view account history, stay informed and more.